A professional tattoo shop with an informal atmosphere based in the heart of
All the residents artists working at MotorInk are fully dedicated and passionate about the art they create daily for their customers. We have highly skilled professional tattoo artists, all with several years of experience. It’s our passion to transform a visual memory from the customer, into a customised piece of art that lasts forever.
Besides our resident arists, the shop is often hosting international guest artists, bringing in different styles and perspectives from all around the world.

Celio Macedo

Cesar Magrones

Gery de Gery

At MotorInk we are proud to host a range of very talented tattoo artists from around the world!

Want to book a session with one of our guest artists? You can find them here!

Very very happy with my new tattoo done by Magrones. What a nice place, friendly people and just a good vibe! Would come again! Thanks guys!
Researched via google before my visit- Walked in- spoke to a wonderful lady on Reception and was Introduced to ADA what a wonderful woman.. I suffer with severe mental health and was so nervousโ€ฆ She Went through my idea, designed it properly, listened to everything I wanted and produced the most amazing piece of artwork on my body And that means the world to me..!!! Will 100% be coming back when I re-visit Amsterdam in the Summer .. 10/10
Maaike Van Bergen
Maaike Van Bergen
Ik ben bij MotorInk gekomen via mijn Zwitserse vriend. Hij heeft twee keer eerder toen hij Amsterdam bezocht bij MotorInk tattoo's laten zetten en was zeer tevreden over MotorInk. Toen ik een idee had voor een tattoo voor ons beiden stelde mijn vriend MotorInk voor en heb ik contact met ze opgenomen via Instagram. Ik ben zeer vriendelijk en duidelijk geholpen en vervolgens zijn we op advies langsgekomen. Daar ik in Vlaardingen woon en terugkomen jammer zou zijn, mochten we dezelfde dag nog teruggekomen. Super fijn dat er tijd voor ons vrijgemaakt kon worden. Ik weet eerlijk gezegd niet goed waar ik moet beginnen, zo'n fijne ervaring was het! Allereerst is de service zeer vriendelijk, eerlijk en duidelijk, ook houden ze privacy goed in het oog. Wij waren met zijn tweeรซn en in principe ga je om de beurt, i.v.m. de privacy en dan is het niet te druk op de vloer. Echter werd ik na de eerste paar lijnen naar en viel ik bijna flauw, daarom mocht mijn vriend bij me komen om te helpen en ondersteunen/afleiden. Dit was erg prettig. Iedereen bij MotorInk reageerde heel snel en herkende direct dat het niet helemaal goed met me ging. Ik kreeg gelijk dextro, water en mocht in de stoel liggen. Het ging daarom snel beter met me. Mijn complimenten voor het adequaat handelen. Ook complimenten voor de tattoo artiest Cesar die onze tattoo's heeft ontworpen en gezet. Het ontwerp was prachtig en precies wat we wilden. Hij was ook heel gezellig, vriendelijk, kundig en grappig. Het was mijn tweede tattoo en ik vond het een hele prettige ervaring. Ze waren allemaal heel gezellig, vriendelijk en geruststellend. De begeleiding en voorlichting was ook super. Ik ben heel blij met mijn mooie nieuwe tattoo. Een fijne herinnering/ervaring! Nog even een shout out naar Ghost! ;-)
Francesca Besana
Francesca Besana
Sono stata ieri con unโ€™amica per fare un tatuaggio ricordo, un tulipano molto semplice e piccolo ma lโ€™esperienza รจ stata assolutamente perfetta. Sono gentilissimi, simpatici, alla mano e super carini davvero.. disponibili, puliti e soprattutto sanno come fare il loro lavoro. Lโ€™atmosfera che si รจ creata รจ stata magica, ci hanno tatuate insieme ed era come se fossimo 4 amici che si conoscevano da sempre. Sono davvero persone fantastiche oltre che tatuatori speciali! Super consigliato! Ne siamo uscite entusiaste.. Speriamo di rivederci presto. Le vostre amiche italiane! Ciao belliiii, grazieee!
Matt Furney
Matt Furney
Awesome setting, amazing tattoo work done by Cesar. Great vibe, fun music, laid back, A++++
Mrs Rory
Mrs Rory
Hands down one of the best (if not the best) tattoo experience I've ever had! ๐Ÿ’ฏ My artist has been Ada and I couldn't ask for anything better! She's not just a great artist and super skilled but also the most lovely girl and made me feel at home as soon as I walked in the store! I had no appointment and came one hour before the closing time but still she has been the most gentle professionist and welcomed me in the warmest way! Even considering my lacks with English language, she immediately understood my request and the style I wanted and absolutely mastered the idea realizing it perfectly, quickly, and tbh with one of the best/lightest hands I've ever had on my skin! Pricing has been hella honest for the quality and experience, for being a tattoo shop in the Centre of Amsterdam and with such a good reputation I was expecting for much crazier rates but they're 100% honest and correct with them. The only bad side? It was Ghost's free day and I didn't made to meet the VIP good boy mascotte of the shop but this is just one more reason to come back again (beside getting some more amazing designs from Ada!).
Got 2 tattoos done by Magrones. Amazing creative artist, chill vibes and is confident and experienced in what he is doing. The quality of the tattoos are top notch, and the whole experience is so incredibly positive, that I keep wanting to come back for more! The whole vibe of the shop is positive, welcoming and warm. Almost like coming home! Can't wait to come back and make more memorys!
Franziska Anita
Franziska Anita
Amazing tattoo studio ,nice and clean atmosphere ,friendly artist and great Fineline work .suggestion for walk in costumers to get a good tattoo ๐Ÿฅฐ
Taylor Laurans
Taylor Laurans
Fantastic tattoo establishment. I worked with Ada and it was a great experience. She was really detail orientated and patient when it can to my tattoo. Iโ€™m not the most artistic person so she really helped make my piece really stand out, and she was just fun to chat with. The whole place and the people are welcoming and very friendly. Highly recommend MotorInk if youโ€™re in Amsterdam.
Thaddeus O'Brien
Thaddeus O'Brien
I was referred to MotorInk by my cousin David. I came in on vacation and met with Magrones. He listened to what I wanted and we bantered about designs. Every step of the way was professional and amazing. The absolute creative expertise of Magrones was astounding! He listened to my wants, interpreted other designs Iโ€™ve seen and worked them into a style that worked with my existing ink. He had meaningful input about how the new piece should adapt into my existing art and blended what I wanted with what I have in way that didnโ€™t compromise anything - all while infusing his creative flair into the entire design. Itโ€™s worth noting that Magrones is a true artist. He paid close attention to the details including the use of shadow in light in the piece! He did the art quickly knowing that I was on a time constraint, and I was so happy with what he came up with. I booked with him and he worked to make my timeline. In the end, I have had such a a positive experience with the shop and their artists. This place is one of those shops you want to have a relationship with. Youโ€™ll come back again and again. Thanks, Magrones! Iโ€™m thrilled with the results!

Get in touch

Got any questions?

Feel free to stop by whenever you want, we are open everyday from 11am – 7pm.

You can also send us an email at:


Or call us at:  +31 020 341 3744